Find Targeted Relief with Trigger Point Therapy

If you're seeking targeted relief from stubborn knots, muscle tension, and chronic pain, trigger point massage can help. I offer personalized and effective trigger point massage that addresses the root cause of your discomfort, leaving you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and revitalized.

What is Trigger Point Therapy?


Trigger point massage therapy is a specialized form of bodywork that focuses on identifying and releasing trigger points – areas of tightness and hyperirritability within the muscle tissue that can cause referred pain and discomfort in other areas of the body. 


By applying precise pressure to these trigger points, we can effectively alleviate pain, improve range of motion, and restore balance to the body's musculoskeletal system.


What Makes Trigger Point Therapy Unique?


Focused Release:

Trigger point massage targets specific areas of tension and discomfort, allowing our therapists to apply focused pressure to the precise location of the trigger point, providing immediate relief and restoring optimal function to the affected muscle.


Referred Pain Relief:

Trigger points can cause referred pain – sensations of discomfort that radiate to other areas of the body. By addressing the trigger points directly, trigger point massage not only alleviates local pain but also relieves referred pain, restoring comfort and mobility to the entire affected area.


Holistic Assessment:

Each session begins with a thorough assessment to identify the location and severity of trigger points within your muscles. By understanding the unique patterns of tension and discomfort in your body, we can tailor a customized treatment plan to address your specific needs and provide optimal relief.


Integrated Techniques:

In addition to trigger point release, I may incorporate a variety of techniques, including deep tissue massage, stretching, and myofascial release, to enhance the effectiveness of your treatment and promote overall relaxation and well-being.


Long-lasting Results:

With regular trigger point massage sessions, you can experience long-lasting relief from chronic pain, tension, and muscular imbalances

"Leah has been an amazing support and guide in my journey for health and wellbeing. She has helped me find new perspectives that are positively shaping my life and providing me with a foundation of peace from which to grow from. She is the best !!"


My Approach to Trigger Point Massage Therapy


I am committed to providing a compassionate and personalized approach to trigger point therapy. I take the time to listen to your concerns, assess your unique needs, and develop a customized treatment plan to include other modalities that work along with trigger point massage. 


Experience Targeted Relief with Trigger Point Massage Today


Trigger point massage is your first step to relief from chronic pain, tension, and muscular discomfort.