Team Up with An Integrative Health Coach

Begin your journey to holistic healing and an empowered life

My Name is Leah, Holistic Health Coach and Healing Partner

Your wellness journey is one of profound self-discovery and continuous growth. It won’t happen overnight, and there is no end destination.

Feeling held back by beliefs that no longer served me and caught up in a cycle of unhealthy lifestyle choices, I finally found support to help me move forward in my healing journey.

Leah Martinson photo.
  • An image of a journey icon consisting of a starter point, and a finish line.

    Healing Journey

    My limiting beliefs began when I was still very young. Born with a degenerative eye disease, I experienced a gradual loss of eyesight while navigating childhood trauma.

    While still processing my difficult childhood I experienced additional challenges as a young adult. To try to cope with these new challenges I turned to unhealthy habits that took a further toll on my physical and mental health.

    That was the wake-up call I needed to move forward with my life and begin this transformative journey.

  • An image depicting a weight lift symbol inside the head of a person.

    From Adversity
    to Strength

    Discovering the support and tools I needed helped me start moving forward on my personal holistic journey toward health and happiness.

    It empowered me to find balance, trust my intuition, and show up authentically in all areas of my life. The result was a remarkable increase in inner peace, self-confidence, and overall well-being.

  • Question mark icon.

    Does that Mean
    I Have it All Figured Out?

    Far from it! Every day is a choice, and there are times when I fall back into old behaviors and belief patterns. The difference now is I know it’s a choice and I know what my tools are when I feel ready to re-calibrate and find my center again.

    But even in those moments, I remind myself of my inherent worth as a whole person, despite perceived setbacks and mistakes.

    This journey is not about perfection—it's about progress and self-acceptance.

"I would recommend Leah to anyone seeking greater insights into the space between where we are and where we want to be as humans."


Partnering With You on This Journey of Empowerment and Healing

I’m here to support you on this path of self-compassion and healthier, happier lifestyle.

We can walk this path together, exploring the unique blend of tools and techniques that resonate with you.

Whether you're dealing with stress, navigating health issues, or just seeking a healthier, more balanced lifestyle, I'm here to support and guide you.

Ready to reclaim your innate power and live your fullest life?

An image of two people sitting on a grassy field with a majestic mountain visible in the background.

Integrative Health Coaching Credentials

While coaching doesn't require certification, I believe that training and education are vital.

They ensure that the guidance I provide is rooted in evidence-based practices and refined by years of practical experience.


Here's a glimpse of my credentials:


  • Nationally Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach, University of Minnesota
  • Two-year graduate certificate in health and well-being coaching
  • Advanced training, The Center for Mind-Body Medicine
  • Certificate in therapeutic massage
  • Reiki Master
  • B.A. in psychology
  • Certificate in Rebirthing Breathwork
  • Nearly twenty years of professional experience

Schedule A Free Discovery Call to See if Integrative Health Coaching is a Good Fit for You