OLD What is Health Coaching?

What is Health Coaching?

A Health Coach is someone who helps you optimize your health and wellbeing through an action-oriented, presence-based approach. Coaching allows you to safely unpack and process where you’re at, create a vision for where you would like to be, and explore the options for moving forward. 

More than just encouraging healthy habits, the health coaching process touches on all areas of wellbeing in your life. It’s about listening, understanding what you’re getting stuck on, helping you read between the lines, and then seeing things through a different perspective. Health coaches help you cultivate self-awareness and make decisions based on knowing yourself at a deeper level. 

Your relationship with a Health Coach will be based on the belief that you are the expert on your life. A Coach helps guide and support your process rather than direct and instruct. You are always in control of your own choices and decisions. 

Why get Health coaching?

In today’s world, it’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day commitments and never-ending to-do lists. This often leads to losing sight of our passions and purpose, causing imbalance and stagnation. The result can be chronic health issues, a nagging low-level dissatisfaction with life, disconnection from our families and social groups, unmanageable stress levels…the list goes on. 

Unfortunately, this is a common part of the human experience. But it doesn’t have to be. 

Everyone has the power to make the necessary shifts to re-envision the flame that keeps you going. That keeps you experiencing life with fulfillment and joy. We all need a little help clarifying our vision—and that’s what this is about. Visionairium Healing offers a partnership that will support you in finding your passion, shifting out of stagnancy and into forward movement. Coaching helps you find the unique make-up of the tools and skills that work best for you.

Things you can work on with a Health Coach: 

  • Managing chronic stress and building resilience
  • Managing and/or improving chronic illness 
  • Lifestyle changes: healthy nutrition, physical activity, and/or improving sleep
  • Finding or refining your sense of purpose
  • Understanding emotions and how they affect us
  • Navigating complicated relationships
  • Improving communication 
  • Exploring Spirituality 
  • …and more 

Who can benefit from coaching?

Coaching is for everyone. It’s true, even coaches have coaches! And if you’re open to learning and growing, it can be for you too. 

Whether you’re the CEO of a large company, a stay at home parent, living with a disability, or facing any other challenging life circumstance, things like chronic stress can weigh you down and keep you from reaching your true potential. And, it can lead to illness. A growing body of research tells us that chronic stress is closely linked to heart disease, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, and much more. Coaching can help you develop health strategies to downregulate the stress response and move through life with a greater sense of ease and peace. 

Although coaching is open to anyone and everyone, the truth is if you’re not willing to make a change, you’re not going to benefit from it. It’s that simple. It’s ok if you’re still in the contemplation phase, considering a change, but know that it won’t be easy work. Visionarium Healing is here to support you—but you have to put in the elbow grease to see results. So we ask that you come with curiosity. With a willingness to step outside your comfort zone and see things through a different lens. Together, we’ll find the way forward that’s best for you. 

How is Health Coaching different from therapy? 

The biggest difference between therapy and health coaching is that coaching is more presence based—we don’t work backward or use all our time unpacking past trauma. Sometimes, therapy can focus on what’s wrong. Instead, coaching looks at what’s right and draws on your strengths, taking the focus off the negative and shining a light on the positive. Of course, we acknowledge the existence of trauma, but we work with what’s present with you today and how you want to move forward.

Health coaching will integrate nutritional and physical activity, mindfulness, and self-awareness practices, making a connection to how everything is interconnected. You’ll decide on things to hone in on and accomplish between sessions, building momentum and taking small steps at a time to reach your goals.